A large network can open many new doors for you. Digital networking has never been as popular as it is now, but how do you actually network on LinkedIn? Here are 4 quick tips on how to communicate with your network and ensure that the next exciting career opportunity reaches you.

Create a good profile
Before you start networking, it's essential to create a strong LinkedIn profile. A good profile picture increases the credibility of your profile and can attract up to 21 times more visitors than profiles without a picture. Make sure your profile is updated with relevant work experience, education, and skills so that potential employers can match you with your dream job.
Reach out to those you know
It’s easy to forget to contact people you have met or those already in your “offline network.” Take the opportunity to connect with those who already know who you are.
Share your knowledge
Something that draws more eyes to your profile is sharing your knowledge. Think about what insights and valuable tips you have that could benefit your network. Regularly posting inspiration, ideas, and tips related to your interests or profession can spark more interest than you think.
Expand your network – even more!
Don’t be afraid to create connections with people you don’t know. The purpose of networking on LinkedIn is to meet new people and improve your current contacts, which can bring you many advantages in the future. Want more contacts to add on LinkedIn? Visit Sweden's largest digital career event, Virtual Career Days. There, you have the opportunity to chat and build relationships with employers from all over Sweden, whom you can then add on LinkedIn and keep in touch with until it’s time to apply for jobs. Register for the fair for free here: Students & Visitors | Virtual Career Days
By engaging with your new contacts, you build a network that knows you. You can, for example:
Recommend relevant articles
Comment on posts in the same niche
Congratulate someone on a new position
Participate in discussions
Recommend lectures and events
Feeling ready to expand your network? Take the opportunity to attend Virtual Career Days, Sweden's largest digital career event, which is also completely free! Register now: Students & Visitors | Virtual Career Days
