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5 Reasons to Work in the Public Sector!

Ida Melchert

Do you have a preconceived notion that working in the public sector would be dull and boring? Then you should reconsider! Here, we give you five good reasons why you should choose a career in the public sector.

1. There is something for you, no matter what you want to work with

The public sector means that all the workforce within this sphere is funded by public funds, i.e., taxpayer money. Therefore, a lot of time and energy is spent on creating qualified jobs that are of great importance to society. Some examples are:

  • Political Scientist: Political Secretary, Analyst, Municipal Secretary

  • Architect: Building Architect, Planning Architect, Landscape Architect

  • Teacher: Primary School, University, Principal

  • Healthcare Worker: Nurse, Doctor, Psychologist

  • Police Officer: Investigator, Legal Department, IT

2. Recruiters need you now

There are great opportunities to get a job in the public sector! The population is growing, which results in a significant increase in the job market. Additionally, there are many areas you can choose to specialize in, gaining expertise in the specific field you are interested in.

An attractive sector with a high demand is healthcare. Here, you can train to become, for example, a midwife, district nurse, or even work in public dental care! There is a lot of development potential and career-building in a very exciting and flexible work environment.

3. A secure workplace

There is stability in the public sector because it is funded by taxes. This means that a public sector cannot be bought by a private company or have its workplace suddenly relocated. It is not profit-driven in the same way as a private sector; instead, the focus is always on people.

This results in a secure and positive work environment.

4. You know where the money goes

If you break down the words "public sector," public means exactly what it sounds like - public. "Sector" refers to a part of the economy or market. The law for the public sector states that any procurement must be public because it is funded by taxpayer money. From this explanation, you can understand why it’s called the public sector.

What this means for the public sector is that the public can see where the money goes. It should be clear and controlled how the money is used. This makes it difficult for the system to, for example, evade taxes. Here, you can feel secure knowing exactly where the money is going.

5. You make a difference

On many levels, you work with people, for people. This is something we should cherish and be proud of. Sweden has free education and healthcare, which should not be taken for granted, and this is thanks to the public sector. Working with all these heroes and contributing to the wonderful society we have is incredible. Alone we are not strong, but together we make a difference!

How do you feel? Do you want to be part of the public sector, or would you like to know more? Come to the VCD fairs and get a better insight into the industries you're interested in!

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